Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapter 6

Bill turned on the shower and felt hot water run his hair, just like Adam's hands had done earlier, down his body and hit the floor. He looked up, He could have fallen asleep just standing there in the shower but he forced himself to turn the tap off and find a white fluffy towel on the rack. He might take another one later.He wrapped it around his waist and stepped out of the shower.

Bill stared at himself in the mirror, at the marks Adam had left on him earlier, and remembered every kiss that had caused those marks, before getting dressed and leaving the bathroom. He switched the lights to his suite on.

"Hi, Bill." It was Bushido, lead rapper of Samy Deluxe, in his hotel room.

"What are you doing here?"

"You forgot to lock the door. Haven't I told you, always keep this pretty face safe, for me," Bushido moved closer to Bill and pinned him to the wall sharply, "Only, for me".

"I told you I never wanted to see you, Bushido."

"Is that what you really wanted?"

"Yes." Bushido let go of Bill and moved away, turning his back to him.

"Get out of my room. I don't want you here." Bushido froze for a moment, shoulder's hunched, facing the other way.

"Is that what you really want?" Bill breathed in.

"Yes Bushido, that is what I want." Bill moved towards the door and reached for he doorknob but found his hand roughly pushed aside as Bushido forced him against the wall again.

"You know what I don't want? For anyone else to have something I don't." He threw Bill on the floor and grabbed a fistful of his hair forcing his head up.

"I told you, Bill, I love you. I never knew what it was about you, why you never took me," he released Bill. The rapper was crying now, "You don't know how much it hurt me to hear you say you couldn't find love." He released Bill, and knelt beside him, the tracks of his tears on his face running through his shirt.

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you couldn't find love in me when I put it right in front of you? Is that you're excuse, you fucking slut? Is that the best you can come up with?" he spat at Bill, but didn't do anything else. There was a moment of silence, the loudest Bill had ever been through.

"Hurt me back, Bushido."


"I want you to hurt me back, worse than I ever hurt you. Just don't come find me again."


"Hurt me, or I will hurt myself worse. Do it, now." He was scared, scared of what Bushido could do.

"Now. Do it now, Bushido."

Bushido closed his eyes and stood up. He aimed the first kick in the middle of Bill's chest. Bill whimpered, but he didn't dare scream. Bushido pulled him into the next room by his hair, and threw him on the carpet, twisting his arm behind him. Bill cried out softly. Bushido grabbed Bill's head, and slammed his face into the carpet until his nose started bleeding.

Bill heard the clinking of a belt bucket and felt the first strike of the leather on his side. He cried out again, louder this time. He felt something forcefully pushed into his mouth and he cried out against it. The abuse went on all night. All Bill could endure he did. He thought of Adam, he thought of the both of them until 3 in the morning and Bushido left, a broken, bleeding, wasted Bill behind with nothing but a kiss. He wanted the pain to end, he wanted Adam. At 4 in the morning Bill screamed.


And somehow, a hundred meters away, Adam heard him.


Intuition told him he had to go find Bill, that Bill needed him. Adam grabbed his jacket and fled out of his own suite. He found Bill's door unlocked. The sheets on the bed were ripped and scattered, a broken vase was lying two inches from where Bill himself was lying, barely breathing.

"Bill." He ran to his lover and took his face in his hands, gently pulling him onto his lap, "Bill...Bill say something. Please."

But Bill didn't say anything. His body was limp, and cold.

"No, wake up Bill. I need you. Please, breathe." Adam shook Bill. He twitched, and coughed, spitting blood out on Adam's shirt. He pulled himself closer to Adam's warmth, aching for comfort.

" hurts..." His voice was faint, a tiny whisper. Adam jumped at his voice and stared at the small sliver of Bill's eyes that were open. He wanted to take away Bill's pain. A tear moved down Bill's pale face, and lost itself in the midst of his wet, mangled black hair.

"I'm here, Bill, and I won't let anything happen to you." Adam kissed Bill's forehead and hugged him to his chest. He wretched the phone off the table and dialed the emergency number.

"Please, come here fast."

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