Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 2

"One hour to soundcheck. Dude you look like crap," Kelly waltzed in through the door into Adam's dressing room. Adam scowled.

"You're no Miss Teen America either."

"Nothing a bit of makeup can't fix." She put her expertise in use, swept concealer under his eyes and lined them with thick eyeliner. A bit of mascara on his lashes and he was done. Except...

"I think my roots are showing." Adam ran his fingers through his fringe. He hadn't dyed his hair in 6 months. Fuck being a natural blonde.

"Yeah, they are. Wait here, i'll get the spray dye." Adam watched his makeup artist leave the room and sighed. It wasn't as if he was planning to go anywhere. He closed his eyes and tried to doze off for a while. He hadn't slept at all last night. That face kept invading his thoughts. He had to shake it off. He had to be professional.

There was a knock on the door, but Adam didn't budge. Kelly would just barge in. He heard another, louder knock and sighed again, getting up to tell off whoever didn't know the door was already open. He yanked it open.

"It's not locked you-" he stopped, face to face with Bill Kaulitz.

"Are you, Adam?" his thick German accent shocked the sleepy singer. The black hair wasn't standing up in all directions like on TV and was instead held in place by a beanie, and whatever escaped hung flat around his features. There was no mistaking the face. Angular, pale, the eyes were sharp, but tired. He was very pretty for a guy.

Bill was taller than Adam expected, even though his slight frame made him look smaller, fragile. Adam was sure, if he stood up from that chair, Bill would dwarf him by at least two inches. But still, he was, there was no other word for it, gorgeous.

"I am."

"I thought so. Am I disturbing? But Kelly said to come here for makeup."

"No, no, you can stay. I mean, please stay. Yeah she's doing mine now though." Adam's face flushed red, he hoped Bill hadn't noticed and moved to make way for him to come in.He moved into the room to sit down on one of the boxes against the wall.

"Roots," he pointed out. It was funny, him saying that one word with such fascination, and that wasn't counting the accent. Adam laughed, the first genuine laugh he had laughed for a long time.

"Kelly was just about to dye them for me." Both their laughter slowly faded and Adam was able to look at Bill's eyes properly. The were a deep brown, like chocolate. He looked at Bill's lips, he didn't have a lip ring. He caught himself staring again when Bill turned away. He was beautiful.

"You're-". His words were cut short when the door opened and Kelly came in with the black dye. She couldn't have picked a worse time then now to come in.


"Hello, Kelly."

"I was just about to finish Adam off. Do you want to wait, so I can do you too?"

"Nein, it's okay. Tom is waiting in the lobby. He'll get mad if I don't come down soon."

"Oh that's okay. Come up in ten."

"I will. Goodbye, Adam." He smiled again, and opened the door. Adam watched him disappear and felt a quiet word escape his lips.


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